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Fees and Charges refer to levies imposed by national government agencies (NGAs) and government-owned or controlled corporations (GOCCs) on the direct recipients of public goods and services they render in the exercise of their mandated regulatory and service delivery functions. They are also known as user charges. Common examples of fees collected by NGAs are permits, licenses, registration/accreditation fees, clearance and certification fees, as well as fees collected for specific services such as medical and laboratory examinations.

Rationale for the Imposition of Fees and Charges

    • Efficient resource management – to downsize the government’s spending and yet maintain its obligation of providing efficient services to the public
    • Cost recovery principle, to relieve the government of its funding burden

Principles in the Increase in Fees and Charges/Imposition of New Fees

    • Concept of comparability of service to other government agencies
    • Length of time the fee or charge has not been revised
    • Some social services remain exempt from requirement to hike fees and charges, e.g., fees related to constitutionally mandated free or subsidized services (education, health services to paupers)
    • Balance between cost recovery and socio-economic impact of new/revised rates to stakeholders
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